Best Dexterity Board Games

Crash Octopus Board Game components.

Put your hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills to the ultimate test with our dexterity games. You, along with your friends and family, will be building, stacking, flicking, tossing, and racing to grab pieces to score points and win the game. Let’s explore some of the best dexterity board games that will provide unmatched laughter and excitement for your gaming group.

When it comes to dexterity board games, and other kinds of board games and gaming accessories, More Than Meeples has the goods. We’ve got the top dexterity board games and more! Browse our selection and contact us today with questions.

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Our Picks for the Best Dexterity Board Games

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Jungle Speed

A classic dexterity game with a setup that couldn’t be any easier – each player is dealt a hand of cards, and a wooden totem is placed in the middle of the playing area. Players simultaneously reveal a card from their hands, and if two players reveal the same card, they must race to be the first to grab the totem. Whoever grabs the totem first gives their cards to other. The first player to get rid of all their cards is the winner.

Average Playtime: 10 minutes
Recommended Age: 7+
Number of Players: 2 – 10
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.13/5

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Crash Octopus

There’s been a shipwreck, and the players race to salvage the floating cargo and rescue the crew. Flick your anchor to navigate your ship, load the cargo and get to safety. But don’t let your efforts get thwarted by the giant pink octopus. This is beautiful Japanese dexterity game with a lot of personality.

Average Playtime: 20 – 30 minutes
Recommended Age: 7+
Number of Players: 1 – 5
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.30/5

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Barrel of Monkeys

Everyone knows that a barrel of monkeys is the standard by which all other fun things are compared – and for good reason – few things are more fun than a Barrel of Monkeys! This game will have you making a chain of monkeys by hooking their arms together. If the chain breaks, it’s the next players turn. The player who makes the longest chain of monkeys is the winner.

Average Playtime: 10 minutes
Recommended Age: 3+
Number of Players: 1+
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.06/5

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Ghost Blitz

What do a red chair, a blue book, a green bottle, a grey mouse and a white ghost all have in common? Not much – and that’s what makes this game a blast. A card if flipped showing a combination of these items in different colours, then the players race to grab correct one. The player who grabs the correct item gets the card. Count up the cards at the end of the game, and whoever has the most is the winner.

Average Playtime: 20 minutes
Recommended Age: 8+
Number of Players: 2 – 8
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.15/5

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Tokyo Jutaku

Tokyo houses can be small, sometimes built on plots of land not much larger than a parking space. But the residents make this work with a very efficient use of space, and that’s what this game is all about. You take role of an architect building these tiny homes by efficiently stacking blocks on tiny plots. It’s a race, and points are awarded for objectives like complexity and height of the building.

Average Playtime: 10 – 45 minutes
Recommended Age: 14+
Number of Players: 1 – 8
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.57/5

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Rhino Hero

Everyone works together to build a house of cards – but it’s more like a skyscraper of cards that our hero, a heavy lumbering rhinoceros, must climb. Use your cards to add additional floors and move up the Rhino Hero. The first player to use all their cards wins, or the first player to cause the building to fall loses. This one is a good time for players of all ages.

Average Playtime: 5 – 15 minutes
Recommended Age: 5+
Number of Players: 2 – 5
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.02/5

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Stonehenge and the Sun

What will your group’s Stonehenge look like? In this game, players take turns placing stones to build the great prehistoric monument. Easy enough. Except there is a ball on a pendulum in the middle that must be passed from one side of Stonehenge to the other without knocking over any stones. Any stones that get toppled become negative points. At the end of the game the player with the fewest negative points is the winner.

Average Playtime: 20 – 45 minutes
Recommended Age: 14+
Number of Players: 2 – 4
Difficulty (BGG Weight): 1.00/5

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Put Your Dexterity to the Test with More Than Meeples

Moe Than Meeples offers easy and convenient board game shopping from your computer or mobile. Browse our selection and order online. Not sure which board game will be the right fit? Our friendly and knowledgeable staff will help you find the perfect game for you or someone you care about. Contact us today with any questions.

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